Sunday, April 19, 2009

flower power

grape hyacinth (muscari)

It's a glorious spring day...the sun is shining, everything's in bloom, and the colors are so bright they hurt my migraine-distressed eyes. But this week's Thematic Photographic subject is floral, and I've sure got a lot of those to share! 

heirloom rose "The Impressionist"

I love this rose. Oregon is not an easy place to grow roses. Gardeners here all have favorite remedies for the dreaded blackspot, a fungus that thrives on cool, mist leaves and can defoliate a rosebush in a matter of days. But this rose seems immune to it. It thrives on neglect, and blooms like crazy in partial shade against the east wall of the studio. I bought it as a tiny, single-twig start from Heirloom Roses in St. Paul, Oregon. In the spring the multilayered blooms are a bright yellow-gold. In the fall they change to an orange-tinged deep gold. And it smells heavenly!


mo.stoneskin said...

The rose picture is incredible and should be framed I think, or does it not go with your house's colour scheme? ;)

Glennis said...

Oh, my! I literally gasped when your blog loaded on my screen. Those colors!!

And I do love Heirloom Roses - I got most of the roses in my garden from them. I just adore their catalog.